Free To Attend Live Webinar

The Procurement Act: Essential Insights for Public Sector Suppliers

Monday 4th December 2023 – 11:00 – 11:40 am

The introduction of the Procurement Act marks a significant shift in the way public procurement is conducted in the UK. This comprehensive webinar will delve into the intricacies of the Act, providing suppliers with a clear understanding of its implications and preparing them for the changes ahead.

Special Guest Speaker
Darren Knowd
Head of Procurment, Sales and Business Services, Durham Council

Key Topics:

  • Decoding the Procurement Act: Gain a thorough understanding of the Act’s provisions, objectives, and key principles.
  • Differentiating the Old from the New: Identify the fundamental differences between the Procurement Act and the existing regulations, highlighting the areas of substantial transformation.
  • Redefining Buyer Behaviour: Explore how the Act will reshape the thinking and actions of buyers, influencing their procurement strategies and decision-making processes.
  • Empowering Suppliers for Success: Discover proactive steps suppliers can take to prepare for the evolving procurement landscape, ensuring their competitiveness and maximising opportunities.
  • Harnessing Buyer-Supplier Engagement: Learn effective strategies for suppliers to engage with buyers, fostering mutually beneficial partnerships and maximising contract opportunities.
  • Unveiling New Opportunities: Identify emerging avenues for growth and innovation within the revamped procurement framework, enabling suppliers to capitalise on this untapped potential.

Who Should Attend:

  • Procurement professionals seeking a comprehensive understanding of the Procurement Act
  • Suppliers eager to adapt their strategies and maximize opportunities under the Act
  • Business leaders interested in the implications of the Act on their respective industries

Webinar Benefits:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Procurement Act and its impact on the procurement process
  • Discover strategies to adapt to the new procurement landscape and maximise opportunities
  • Uncover emerging trends and areas for innovation in the post-Procurement Act era
  • Enhance your knowledge and expertise in the field of public procurement

Don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and excel in the transformed procurement environment.